Wednesday, January 30, 2008

24 The Fruits (las frutas)

manzana / apple
naranja / orange
piña / pineapple
uva / grape
fresa / strawberry
pera / pear
cereza / cherry
limón / lemon
melón / melon
banano / banana
melocotón / peach
mango / mango
coco / coconut
sandía / watermelon
papaya / papaya
toronja / grapefruit
ciruela / plum
limón verde, lima / lime
kiwi / kiwi
albaricoque / apricot
plátano / plantain
pasas / raisins

Instructions: Conjugate the following verbs into the correct form. (Instrucciones: conjugue los siguientes verbos en la forma correcta.)

+ to mix, you / + to like, we / + to do, I / + to fix, she / + to use, he / + to finish, it / - to hope, he / - to wash, the woman / ? to be, you / ? to enjoy, they

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