Good morning Sir.
Good afternoon Jon.
Good evening my friend.
Good night Edwin.
vocabulary (vocabulario)
buenos días / good morning
buenas tardes / good afternoon
buenas noches / good evening (usa solemente cuando llegando)
buenas noches / good night (usa solemente cuando saliendo)
hola / hello, hi
adiós / goodbye, bye
hasta luego / see you later (puedes usar 'later' mas informal o 'catch you later' o 'talk to you later')
hasta mañana / see you tomorrow
hasta pronto / see you soon
sí / yes, yeah
no / no, nah
Note. If writing the vocabulary words on something such as a white board (pizarŕon), I like to write the Spanish word first, and draw an arrow- asking the student if he/she recalls the word in English. Many times the student will search his/her brain and try to think of the word- which helps with the learning. Sometimes the student has never seen the group of words. In this case, asking him/her to recall groups of English words they don't know more than a few times is obviously a waste of time and can be discouraging if done repeatedly. Clearly, discernment will guide this.
My name is Franki. / Me llamo Franki.
Your name is Antonio. / Te llamas Antonio.
His name is Pablo. / Se llama Pablo.
Our names are Hispanic. / Nuestros nombres son hispánicos.
Your last names are García. / Sus apellidos son García.
Their names are short. / Sus nombres son cortos.
Questions (preguntas)
¿Cómo se llama usted? / What is your name?
Mi amigo se llama Juan. / My friend’s name is Juan.
¿Cómo se llama ella? / What is her name?
¿Cómo se llama la escuela? / What is the school’s name?
¿Cómo se llama la ciudad? / What is the name of the city?
La ciudad se llama Villa Nueva. / The name of the city is Villa Nueva.
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