to feel :: sentir

continuous tense (progresivo)
vocabulary (vocabulario)
frío / cold
calor / hot
hambre / hungry
sed / thirsty
mal / bad
bueno / good
Translate the following sentences from Spanish to English (Traduzca los siguientes oraciones del español a inglés):
Yo siento calor. / I feel hot.
Yo sentí hambre. / I felt hungry.
Ella se siente cansada. / She feels tired.
Nosotros nos sentimos mareados. / We feel dizzy.
Ellas sintieron frío. / They felt cold.
¿Se siente usted enfermo? / Do you feel sick?
Él se siente mal por usted. / He feels bad for you.
Mi cabeza se siente caliente. / My head feels hot.
Instructions: Conjugate the following verbs into the correct form. (Instrucciones: conjugue los siguientes verbos en la forma correcta.
+ to have, I / + to talk, you / + to want, they / + to do, she / + to be, we / - to feel, you / - to open, it / ? to play, they / ? to shop, he / ? to die, it
present tense, past tense, future tense, continuous tense, español
Form sentences using the following words: (Forme oraciones usando las siguientes palabras:)
? when, to have, you / ? where, to learn, they / ? who, to be, he / ? how, to be, you / ? why, to be, she / ? what, to play, they / ? did, to feel, your head / ? do, to travel, you
vocabulary (vocabulario)
frío / cold
calor / hot
hambre / hungry
sed / thirsty
mal / bad
bueno / good
Translate the following sentences from Spanish to English (Traduzca los siguientes oraciones del español a inglés):
Yo siento calor. / I feel hot.
Yo sentí hambre. / I felt hungry.
Ella se siente cansada. / She feels tired.
Nosotros nos sentimos mareados. / We feel dizzy.
Ellas sintieron frío. / They felt cold.
¿Se siente usted enfermo? / Do you feel sick?
Él se siente mal por usted. / He feels bad for you.
Mi cabeza se siente caliente. / My head feels hot.
Instructions: Conjugate the following verbs into the correct form. (Instrucciones: conjugue los siguientes verbos en la forma correcta.
+ to have, I / + to talk, you / + to want, they / + to do, she / + to be, we / - to feel, you / - to open, it / ? to play, they / ? to shop, he / ? to die, it
present tense, past tense, future tense, continuous tense, español
Form sentences using the following words: (Forme oraciones usando las siguientes palabras:)
? when, to have, you / ? where, to learn, they / ? who, to be, he / ? how, to be, you / ? why, to be, she / ? what, to play, they / ? did, to feel, your head / ? do, to travel, you
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