For the third person singular in present tense, the verbs that end in ‘ch’, ‘sh’, ‘x’, and ‘ss’ add ‘es’ to the end of the word. (Para la tercera persona singular en presente, los verbos terminan en –ch, -sh, -x, o -ss agrega ‘es’ al final de la palabra.)
10 quasi-regular verbs (10 verbos cuasi-regulares)
::wash:: lavar We washed our hands. / Lavamos nuestras manos.
::touch:: tocar You touched my leg. / Usted tocó mi pierna.
::watch:: mirar Luis watches the television. / Luis mira la televisión.
::push:: empujar She pushes the chair. / Ella empuja la silla.
::mix:: combinar I will mix the clothes. / Combinaré las ropas.
::brush:: cepillar I will brush my teeth. / Cepillaré mis dientes.
::finish:: terminar I finished my homework. / Terminé mi tarea.
::reach:: alcanzar We reached the church. / Alcanzamos la iglesia.
::fix:: componer He fixed my chair. / Él compuso mi silla.
::kiss:: besar I kissed my girlfriend. / Besé mi novia.
Instructions: Conjugate the following verbs into the correct form. (Instrucciones: conjugue los siguientes verbos en la forma correcta.)
+ to lie, they / + to reach, I / + fix, he / + to want, she / + to touch, she / + to kiss, it / - to feel, she / - to be, we / ? to have, I / ? to kiss, he
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