the verb ‘to be’ with emotion words: (el verbo ‘to be’ con palabras emocciones:)
I am bored. / Estoy aburrido.
You are jealous. / Está celoso.
He is dizzy. / Él está mareado.
We are happy. / Estamos felices.
You are tired. / Ustedes están cansados.
They are sad. / Están tristes.
past tense (pasado)
+: I was / Yo estuve
-: I was not / Yo no estuve
?: Was I? / ¿Estuve yo?
present tense (presente)
+: I am / Yo soy
-: I am not / Yo no soy
?: Am I? / ¿Estoy yo?
future tense (futuro)
+: I will be / Estaré
-: I will not be / Yo no estaré
?: Will I be? / ¿Estaré yo?
>> For the verb ‘to be’, we do not use an auxiliary verb, even for questions and negatives. (Para el verbo ‘to be’ no usamos el auxiliar para frases positivos. No usamos ni preguntas ni frases negativos.)
Contractions with ‘To Be’ (contracciones con el verbo ‘to be’)
There are contractions with the verb ‘to be’ in the present and future tenses. (Hay contracciones con el verbo ‘to be’ en presente y futuro.)
present tense (presente)
I am bored. / Estoy aburrido.
You are jealous. / Está celoso.
He is dizzy. / Él está mareado.
We are happy. / Estamos felices.
You are tired. / Ustedes están cansados.
They are sad. / Están tristes.
past tense (pasado)
+: I was / Yo estuve
-: I was not / Yo no estuve
?: Was I? / ¿Estuve yo?
present tense (presente)
+: I am / Yo soy
-: I am not / Yo no soy
?: Am I? / ¿Estoy yo?
future tense (futuro)
+: I will be / Estaré
-: I will not be / Yo no estaré
?: Will I be? / ¿Estaré yo?
>> For the verb ‘to be’, we do not use an auxiliary verb, even for questions and negatives. (Para el verbo ‘to be’ no usamos el auxiliar para frases positivos. No usamos ni preguntas ni frases negativos.)
Contractions with ‘To Be’ (contracciones con el verbo ‘to be’)
There are contractions with the verb ‘to be’ in the present and future tenses. (Hay contracciones con el verbo ‘to be’ en presente y futuro.)
present tense (presente)
I + am = I’m
you + are = you’re
he + is = he’s
she + is = she’s
it + is = it’s
Marta + is = Marta’s
we + are = we’re
they + are = they’re
future tense (futuro)
I + will = I’ll
you + will = you’ll
he + will = we’ll
she + will = she’ll
it + will = it’ll
we + will = we’ll
they + will = they’ll
future tense, negative (futuro, negativo)
we + will + not = we won’t
I + will = I’ll
you + will = you’ll
he + will = we’ll
she + will = she’ll
it + will = it’ll
we + will = we’ll
they + will = they’ll
future tense, negative (futuro, negativo)
we + will + not = we won’t
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