to do :: hacer

continuous tense (progresivo)
as a main verb: (verbo primero:)
My husband does the dishes. / Mi esposo lava los platos.
Yes he did. / Sí él los lavó.
Did he do them yesterday? / ¿Los lavó él ayer?
I do my homework. / Hago mi tarea.
You did the laundry. / Usted lavó el lavado de ropa.
as an auxiliary verb: (verbo auxiliar:)
I do not have cats. / No tengo los gatos.
Do you like cheese? / ¿Te gusta queso?
>> As an auxiliary verb, ‘to do’ is always followed by the base form, infinitive, of the main verb. (Como un verbo auxiliar, ‘to do’ siempre es seguido del verbo primero en infinitivo.)
examples: (ejemplos:)
I did read the book. / Leí realmente el libro.
Do you eat here? / ¿Come usted aquí?
Contractions with ‘To Do’ (contracciones con el verbo ‘to do’)
There are contractions with the verb ‘to do’ in the present and past negative tenses. (Hay contracciones con el verbo ‘to be’ en presente y pasado negativo.)
present tense (presente) past tense (pasado)
do + not = don’t did + not = didn’t
does + not = doesn’t
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