Tuesday, February 12, 2008

36 Words Commonly Used In Sentences (palabras comunes en oraciones)

tal vez, quiza / maybe
porque / because
y / and
pero / but
o / or
así / so
entonces /then
también / also, too
ambos / both
siempre / always
aunque / yet
nunca, jamás / never
otra vez / again
ahora / now
ahorita / right now
que, ese, aquel / that
todo / all
a menudo / often
todavía, aún / still
ya / already
tampoco / neither
algo / something
nada / nothing
alguien / someone
nadie / nobody, no one
este / this
estos / these
esos, aquellos / those
más / more
menos / less
algunas veces / sometimes
puchis, puchica, a la gran puchica * / wow
casi / almost
va * / ok, okay

Vamos a practicar hablando en ingles:
1. Is the bank small or large?
2. Are you thirsty?
3. Where is your thumb?
4. Do you like both lettuce and onion?
5. Is someone cooking on the stove?
6. What is this? (Point to something.)
7. Do you want ketchup or mustard on your hot dog?
8. Will you visit the dentist today?
9. What are you doing right now?
10. What did you already finish this morning?

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