Always remember that English is not phonetic. That means we do not always say a word the same way that we spell it. (Siempre recurede que el inglés no es fonético. Esto significa que no siempre decimos una palabra el mismo camino que lo deletreamos.)
Some words can have the same spelling but different pronunciation. (Algunas palabras pueden tener la misma ortografía, pero la pronunciación diferente.)
I like to read.
I have read that book.
Some words have different spelling but the same pronunciation. (Algunas palabras pueden tener la ortografía diferente, pero la misma pronunciación.)
I have read that book.
My favorite color is red.
The English language has 26 letters of the alphabet but 52 sounds. (La lengua inglés tiene 26 letras del alfabeto pero 52 sonidos.)
Let’s practice speaking in English (Vamos a practicar hablando en ingles):
1. What is your name?
2. How are you doing?
3. Do you speak English?
4. Where are you from?
5. Do you like broccoli?
6. Does he have a girlfriend?
7. Do you have a pet?
8. Do you like the zoo?
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