Wednesday, February 13, 2008

37 Prepositions (algunas preposiciones)

antes de / before
después de / after
detrás de / behind
enfrente de, delante / in front of
arriba / above
abajo, debajo de / below, under
adentro de / inside
afuera de / outside
sobre / over
encima de / on top of
par de / even with
cerca de / near, close to
para, por / for
con / with
sin / without
hasta / until
alrededor de / around
a / to
de / of
a través de / across
lejos de / far from
al lado de / next to, beside

*In Spanish, when a preposition is followed by a verb, the verb is usually in infinitive form (En español, cuando un preposición es antes un verbo, el verbo is normalmente en la forma infinitiva): Salieron sin tomar el café.

In English, the verb following a preposition is in –ing form (Pero en ingles, el verbo después un preposición es en la forma –ing): They left without drinking the coffee.

Una serpiente es adentro del edificio. / A snake is inside the building.
Tengo clase con Alex. / I have class with Alex.
Practicamos fútbol hasta a las seis de la noche. / We practiced soccer until 6 o’clock pm.
Ella tiene la llave de la escuela. / She has the key to the school.
La mantequilla esta encima de la mesa. / The butter is on top of the table.

Vamos a practicar hablando en ingles:
1. Did you play outside today?
2. Who lives across the street?
3. Are you feeling tired?
4. How old is your dog?
5. Do you work around here?
6. Who did you visit with?
7. Is Antigua close to Villa Nueva?
8. Who works with you in the morning?
9. Is the bank even with the grocery store?
10. Did he cook hot dogs in the kitchen?

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

36 Words Commonly Used In Sentences (palabras comunes en oraciones)

tal vez, quiza / maybe
porque / because
y / and
pero / but
o / or
así / so
entonces /then
también / also, too
ambos / both
siempre / always
aunque / yet
nunca, jamás / never
otra vez / again
ahora / now
ahorita / right now
que, ese, aquel / that
todo / all
a menudo / often
todavía, aún / still
ya / already
tampoco / neither
algo / something
nada / nothing
alguien / someone
nadie / nobody, no one
este / this
estos / these
esos, aquellos / those
más / more
menos / less
algunas veces / sometimes
puchis, puchica, a la gran puchica * / wow
casi / almost
va * / ok, okay

Vamos a practicar hablando en ingles:
1. Is the bank small or large?
2. Are you thirsty?
3. Where is your thumb?
4. Do you like both lettuce and onion?
5. Is someone cooking on the stove?
6. What is this? (Point to something.)
7. Do you want ketchup or mustard on your hot dog?
8. Will you visit the dentist today?
9. What are you doing right now?
10. What did you already finish this morning?

Monday, February 11, 2008

35 Telling Time (la hora)

¿Qué hora es? / What time is it?
¿A qué hora? / At what time?
Son las cuarto y media. / It is 4:30 pm
a las cuarto y media / at 4:30
medianoche / midnight
mediodía / noon
de la mañana / in the morning
por la madrugada / in the early morning
de la tarde / in the afternoon
de la noche / in the evening, at night
esta noche / tonight
en punto / o’clock

• Instead of saying ‘It is 4:30 pm.’ or ‘at 4:30 pm’ you can also say ‘It is 4:30 in the afternoon.’ or ‘at 4:30 in the afternoon’. (En vez de decir ‘It is 4:30 pm.’ o ‘at 4:30 pm’ puede decir ‘It is 4:30 in the afternoon.’ o ‘at 4:30 in the afternoon’.)

• Instead of saying ‘It is 1 am.’ you can say ‘It is 1 o’clock.’ or ‘It is 1 in the morning.’ or ‘It is 1 o’clock in the morning.’ (En vez de decir ‘It is 1 am.’ puede decir ‘It is 1 o’clock.’ o ‘It is 1 in the morning.’ o ‘It is 1 o’clock in the morning.’

tiempo pasado / ago
amaneciendo / sunrise, dawn
atradeciendo / sunset, dusk
tiempo para dormir / bedtime

Vamos a practicar hablando en ingles:
1. What time is it? (draw many clocks with numbers and day/night symbols)
2. At what time is the party?
3. At what time did you play soccer?
4. At what time do you need the television?
5. At what time did you finish your homework?
6. At what time does the bank open?
7. At what time will she visit?
8. At what time will the movie finish?

Sunday, February 10, 2008

34 Adjectives: Descriptive Words (adjetivos: palabras descriptivos)

friendly / simpático
lazy / perezoso
careful / cuidado
handsome / guapo (usa para hombres solemente)
cute, pretty / lindo, bonito (usa la palabra ‘cute’ para chicos, niños, y cosas normalmente; usa la palabra ‘pretty’ para mujeres)
lucky / afortunado
patient / paciente
busy / ocupado
crazy / loco
honest, sincere / sincero
active / activo
kind, nice / amable
small, little / pequeño
big, large / grande
young / joven
old / viejo
ugly / feo
thin / delgado
fat / gordo
short / bajo, corto
tall / alto
proud / orgulloso
slick / ingenioso
wonderful, marvelous / maravilloso
hard working / trabajador
arrogant / arrogante
brave / valiente
selfish / egoista
funny / chistoso
curious / curioso
cool / chilero*
understanding / comprensivo
intelligent, smart / inteligente, ser listo
mean / agarrado, tocaño, codo*

Vamos a practicar hablando en ingles:
1. Name 6 people you know.
2. Now tell me 2 things about each person you named.
3. 20 Questions (Must ask ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions. Answer is a person, place, or thing.)

Saturday, February 9, 2008

33 More Prepositions (más preposiciones)

When we say ‘last,’ ‘next,’ ‘every,’ or ‘this,’ we do not also use ‘at,’ ‘on,’ or ‘in’. (Cuando decimos las palabras ‘last,’ ‘next,’ ‘every,’ o ‘this,’ no usamos ‘at,’ ‘on,’ o ‘in’ también.)

last / ultimo
next / próximo
every / cada
this / este

I will travel next weekend. / Viajaré el próximo fin de semana.
We will have a party this Friday. / Tendremos una fiesta este viernes.
Every summer, it is hot. / Cada verano, está caliente.
My grandfather died last September. / Mi abuelo murió en septiembre pasado.

(3) Prepositions indicate place. (Las preposiciones indican el lugar.)

In general, we use (En general, usamos)
- at for a specific address (‘at’ para una dirección específica)
- on for names of streets (‘on’ para nombres de calles)
- in for names of land areas: towns, countries, states, continents (‘in’ para nombres de áreas de tierra: las ciudades, los países, los estados, y los continentes)

I live at 5a Calle 15-20 Zone 4 La Arada Villa Nueva. / Vivo en 5a Calle 15-20 Zone 4 La Arada Villa Nueva.
He works on 6a Avenida Norte. / Él trabaja en 6a Avenida Notre.
They will travel in South America. / Ellos viajarán en Sudamérica.

Vamos a practicar hablando en ingles:
1. What is your name?
2. How are you?
3. Do you want coffee or tea?
4. Did you kiss her?
5. Do you feel sick?
6. Do you feel tired?
7. Which fruit do you want: pineapple, watermelon, papaya, or melon?
8. Did you brush your teeth?
9. Do you need a knife?
10. Did you watch the movie?
11. Did you talk with Kendon?
12. How old are you?

Friday, February 8, 2008

32 Prepositions: At, On, In (la preposición ‘en’)

A preposition shows the relationship of a noun or pronoun to some other word. There are many preposition words in English. We will study three for now. (Una preposición muestra la relación de un sustantivo o pronombre a alguna otra palabra. Hay muchas palabras de preposición en ingles. Estudiaremos tres por el momento.)

(1) Prepositions indicate location. (Las preposiciones indicant la posición.)
In general, we use (en general, usamos)
• at for a point (‘at’ para un punto)
• on for a surface (‘on’ para una superficie)
• in for an enclosed space (‘in’ para un espacio incluido)

at the party / en la fiesta
at the house / en la casa
at the restaurant / en el restaurante
at school / en la escuela
at the top of the page / en lo alto de la página
on the table / en la mesa
on the bed / en la cama
on the wall / en la pared
on the ceiling / en el techo
on the floor / en el piso
in the church / en la iglesia
in the building / en el edificio
in the book / en el libro
in the bathroom / en el baño
in the restaurant / en el restaurante

A preposition is followed by a noun. It is never followed by a verb. If we want to follow a preposition with a verb, we must use the ‘-ing’ form which is really a gerund- a verb in noun form. (Una preposición es seguida de un sustantivo. Nunca es seguido de un verbo. Si queremos seguir una preposición con un verbo, debemos usar ‘-ing’ forma que es realmente un gerundio- un verbo en la forma de un sustantivo.)

(2) Prepositions indicate time. (Las preposiciones indicant el tiempo.)

In general, we use (En general, usamos)
- at to describe a specific time (‘at’ describer un tiembo específico)
- on for days and dates (‘on’ para días y fechas)
- in for months, seasons, years, and non-specific times during the day (‘in’ para los meses, estaciónes del año, los años, y tiempos no específicos durante el día.)

I am working at 8:00 am. / Trabajo a las ocho de la mañana.
You walk home at night. / Camina a casa por la noche.
My brother travels on the weekend. / Mi hermano viaja por el fin de semana.
We will have a party on Wednesday. / Tendremos una fiesta el miércoles.
She plays in the evening. / Ella juega en la tarde.
In the winter, it will be cold. / En el invierno, abrá frío.
In 2006, I traveled a lot. / En el 2006, viajé mucho.
My grandfather died in September. / Mi abuelo se murió en septiembre.

Vamos a practicar hablando en ingles:
1. What is on the table?
2. Who was at the party?
3. What is in the bathroom?
4. Did you play in the gym yesterday?
5. What did you learn at school today?
6. Who is in the restaurant?
7. Were you tired yesterday?
8. Is she in the park?

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Activity (actividad)

This activity involves using a recipe that is written only in English. The recipe uses the vocabulary words from previous lessons. Don’t tell the students what they are making (chocolate chip cookies). Just give them the recipe and ask them to speak only in English to figure out how to make it. Minimal teacher supervision may be needed.

Recipe (receta)

Ingredients (ingredients)
3 cups of flour
¾ teaspoons of baking soda
¾ teaspoons of salt
½ pound of butter (2 sticks)
1 cup brown sugar
1 ½ cups white sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
12 ounces semi-sweet chocolate chips (12 oz. = 0.34 kg)
¾ cups of chopped walnuts

Prep time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 13-15 minutes
Original recipe is for: 5 dozen

(1) Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Mix together flour, baking soda, salt. Push aside.
(2) In a large bowl, mix butter, brown sugar, white sugar until smooth. Next, mix the eggs then mix in vanilla. Gradually pour in all the mixed ingredients until well blended. Use a spoon to mix in chocolate chips and walnuts. Work the dough into balls. Move the balls 2 inches apart on cookie sheets. Flatten slightly.
(3) Bake for 8 to 10 minutes in preheated oven. Let cookies cool on cookie sheet for 5 minutes.

Let’s practice speaking in English (Vamos a practicar hablando en ingles):
1. What did you bake?
2. Who helped you?
3. Where did you cook?
4. Why were you cooking?
5. How did you cook the food?
6. Name 6 foods you used today in the cookies.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

31 Drinks (las bebidas)

Jesus said to the servants, “Fill the jars with water”; so they filled them to the brim. John 2:7 (Jesús dijo a los sirvientes: Llenen de agua las tinajas. Y los sirvientes las llenaron hasta el borde. Juan 2:7)

agua / water
café / coffee
té / tea
jugo / juice
aguas gaseosas, refrescos / soda, pop
jugo de naranja / orange juice
vino / wine
cerveza / beer
limonada / lemonade
champán / champagne

mantequilla de mani / peanut butter
fósforos / matches
bicarbonato de soda / baking soda
canela / cinnamon
nuez moscada / nutmeg
nueces / walnuts
botella / bottle
vaso / glass
taza / cup
jarra / pitcher
hielo / ice
servilleta / napkin
tenedor / fork
cuchara / spoon
cucharilla / teaspoon
tazón / bowl
frasco / jar
copa / wine glass
mantel / table cloth
docena / dozen
cuchara de sopa / tablespoon
horno / oven
microondas / microwave
estufa / stove
refrigeradora / refrigerator, frig
libra / pound